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BMFA World Record Attempt.

You may or may not know that this year is the centenary for the BMFA.

There will be number of activities to celebrate this year, details are on the BMFA web site. There is one activity that I think SMFC may be able to help with!

The BMFA are going to make an attempt at the world record for the most number of RC planes in the air at any one time!

Basically all affiliated clubs are being asked to get as many planes in the air as possible at 12:00 on Sunday May 15th. The date is shown as a 'red letter day' on the SMFC calendar. There is a more comprehensive description of the event attached to the calendar for this date.

I will canvas member's feelings about this event over the next couple of weeks before I register our interest with the BMFA.

It has been suggested that we add to this auspicious occasion by having one of our annual barbecues, the last of which was held in 2017, I think!

Chat to me at the field about this event or email me through the contact form on the web site if you feel the need to comment!

What excitement!

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